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What's Happening in Higher Education Legislation?
Read more details in the May Legislative Report Click Here
- HB 588 - STATE OPERATING BUDGET: "For the 15 Cade-funded community colleges the budget for FY 22 yields $290 million. This is a statewide increase of $40.4 million dollars over last year" (2021 MACC Legislative Committee).
- Historically Black Colleges & Universities: "Hogan has already signed legislation authorizing $577 million for the state's four HBCUs to settle a long-running federal lawsuit that alleged the schools received disparate treatment" Stole, B., & Wood, P. (2021, April). Key legislation approved by the Maryland General Assembly in 2021.
- PRESIDENT BIDEN'S AMBITIOUS AMERICAN FAMILIES PLAN. President Joe Biden's American Families Plan is a game-changer for community colleges and minority-serving institutions, campus leaders say. The $1.8 trillion plan, could bring a much-needed windfall to institutions serving students most hard-hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.
- DISCRIMINATION TOWARDS THE LGBTQQIP2SAA COMMUNITY. The NCAA will move championship events out of states that discriminate against the LGBTQQIP2SAA Community. The warning was directed at lawmakers considering bans on transgender athlete
Access AACRAO Transcripts for May 2021 below
Access MACC In A Crab Shell Archives
This post is courtesy of the Communications & Legislative Committee: Nanci Beier, Otu Obot, Danielle Worsham, and Carissa Mattern
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