Picture retrieved from https://appical.net/en/product/reboarding/
The release of the coronavirus vaccinations has undoubtedly increased the frequency and depth of conversations surrounding businesses reopening. And while reopening procedures vary geographically and between companies, there is at least one consistent that companies and supervisors should consider: reboarding. Reboarding is a modified version of onboarding that seeks to refamiliarize employees who have been off or teleworking with general office procedures while encouraging managers to relearn their employees. The COVID-19 pandemic has permanently changed the way people and organizations function, their priorities, and in some instances, what they value. Below are a few tips to make bringing your employees back into the office a smoother process.
- Be prepared to reorient your employees and retrain them on office basics. After all, some people have been working from home for nearly a year.
- Recognize that your employees and coworkers have changed and grown. People’s mindsets and circumstances have changed, which has changed their wants and needs. Additionally, your employees may have gained self-awareness and undergone a professional growth spurt.1
- Know which employees are more productive in the office versus who works best at home?1
- “Guard against ‘Prove-it’ Burnout.” Encourage employees to take breaks; likewise, discourage those teleworking from working more than they work in the office.1
- Communication is key. Frequent and honest communication helps people feel more comfortable and less anxious about change.2,3
- Be empathic: consider that not everyone’s feelings are the same regarding the pandemic or about returning to the office.2
To conclude, for many of us, much has changed both personally and professionally. Thus, it is advantageous for employers to be conscious of how these changes have manifested in their employees and respond accordingly.