February Professional Development Calendar
February Professional Development Calendar
August Professional Development Calendar
CAPACRAO Conference Call for Session Proposals
Joining the professional development offerings alongside Admit It and For the Record, AACRAO has launched its newest podcast - H.E.A.R.D. H.E.A.R.D. stands for Higher Education and Real Diversity. The conversations are led by three AACRAO members and colleagues within Enrollment Management as they discuss the intersection of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (D.E.I.), Higher Education, and the personal impact of these topics within the current landscape.
CAPACRAO would like to acknowledge Dr. Reginald Garcon for being highlighted in last month's edition of The Successful Registrar (see below)! In addition to being an outstanding Registrar, Dr. Garcon has served as CAPACRAO's Vice President of Programming (2021-2022) and currently serves as our President-Elect. Congratulations and well deserved, Dr. Garcon!
RSVP now to reserve your seat at CAPACRAO's Free Virtual Conference on June 17th.
Full Schedule included below.
Why join a professional association? We’ve complied a list of 12 benefits of becoming an active member of an association.
Name: Keisha Campbell
Institution Name & Role: Executive Director for Enrollment Services & University Registrar at Morgan State University
Number of Years at your institution: 6
Dual Enrollment Word Cloud made using https://wordart.com/.
Can you believe we are inching up to our 6th Dual Enrollment Special Interest Group Meeting? Wow! We've been connecting, sharing and more for a whole year now! Kudos to us. Our next meeting is Wednesday, February 2, 2022, at 2:30 PM and wanted to say Happy New Year and provide some updates.
Leadership Series
Part 2 on the Different Levels of Leadership
By Otu Obot II
Name: Rebecca Fowler
Institution and role: Towson University, Assistant Director of Residency, Reenrollment, and Special Programs in the Registrar’s Office.
Number of years at your institution: 3 years
Takeoff: A 5-Part Series on the Different Levels of Leadership.
Dual Enrollment Word Cloud made using https://wordart.com/.
In preparation for our 5th Dual Enrollment Special Interest Group Meeting on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, at 2:30 PM, we wanted to say hello and provide some updates.
Name: Shannon Hardester
Institution Name & Role: Salisbury University-Assistant Registrar, Veterans & Special Populations
Number of Years at your institution: 4.5
The last 18 months have been a roller coaster for many of us: ups, downs, and lots of unexpected loops. At some point, many of us have thought, “I can’t wait for things to get back to “normal.” Well that time is upon us. Higher education institutions around the country are well into the fall semester and many schools have opted to return to primarily in-person classes this fall. This means an increasing number of faculty and staff are in the office, in both hybrid and full-week capacities. If you have seen my last two write-ups in this series, you know feelings regarding the return to the office run the gamete; and even those who were enthusiastic about being in the office again, have needed time to adjust. This means office morale may not be at its highest. To help you boost your team (or your own) mood I have compiled a list of tips and activities that are sure to lessen the stress and boost confidence and enthusiasm in the office while we’re getting back in the swing of things.