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CAPACRAO Shops Local: Attractions & Hidden Gems

Vaccination rates are increasing and the capacity restrictions are decreasing. So, we've combined our May and June CAPACRAO Shops Local to highlight Maryland and DC Attractions & Hidden Gems. Share your favorite places to be entered into our Quarter 2 Raffle via this link Google Form. Submissions will be accepted through June 30. Submit by 12 noon. The winner will be announced at our Annual Business Meeting

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Spring Forward with CAPACRAO

Hello March 2021! Hard to believe what transpired and has continued to unfold started a year ago. Wow! How everything it feels has changed. While the effects of the COVID pandemic are still present, many colleagues are getting vaccinated, businesses and educational facilities are re-opening, and we are all doing continual reflection and trying to balance mental, physical and emotional health. As best we can. I commend you for doing your part in the global, collective efforts to stay safe.

If the pandemic has taught me anything, it is the power in slowing down and enjoying little moments. Little moments can create big memories especially for our overall health and wellbeing. It can expand compassion and spark a thought when we let go of hurried thoughts. I am an early riser and ode I give to my grandmother, may she rest in power, who never believed in wasting a moment of daylight. During the pandemic, I've gained an affinity for walking. It was the only thing I was willing to do at one point. My best walking record was in July when I walked almost 97 miles. I digressed. My apologies. Anyhoo, I love watching the sun rise in the spring during my early morning walks. I enjoy watching the sun change the landscape from darkness as it peaks over the trees to light the earth with golden tones. Around me I can feel the briskness of the cool, morning air. I breathe. I take in my ability to walk, and the iphone which plays the audiobook I am listening too (currently, 400 Souls). I've immersed myself in so many good books on my walks. On a recent trek, I stopped listening to my audiobook for a moment to gain a new moment. A new perspective. The sounds of birds chirping overpowered my audiobook volume. The birds reminded me that they, and nature, wanted and craved some of my attention. In that moment, I expanded my appreciation for walking and nature. 

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CAPACRAO Shops Local: February Brews

We love our local businesses! 

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CAPACRAO Supports Local

Picture retrieved from Amplified Digital Agency

Celebrations are the punctuation marks that make sense of the passage of time; without them, there are no beginnings and endings. Life becomes an endless series of Wednesdays.” -
James Kouzes & Barry Posner

CAPACRAO members take great pride in the work we do and the students we serve: but we like to have fun too! We have created an initiative that will surely provoke nostalgia and generate conversation about the places and things we love, have discovered and re-discovered and things we miss. Our local businesses need our support. Let's promote our local gems among one another. Join us all year as we #CAPACRAOShopsLocal!

Each month we will introduce a theme via our social media accounts and ask that you share your recommendations/memories associated with the theme for that month. Each suggestion gives you an entry into our quarterly raffle drawing!

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