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AACRAO Transfer Initiative

AACRAO Transfer Initiative

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CAPACRAO Legislative Report: October 2021

CAPACRAO Legislative Report: October 2021

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CAPACRAO Member Selected for AACRAO Work Group

CAPACRAO Members are always on the move! Congratulations to Jacqui Rogers, Coordinator of Transfer and Articulation at the College of Southern Maryland, who was recently selected to serve on AACRAO's Transfer Student Success Work Group. The fourteen member workgroup will expand dialouge and policy discussions regarding domestic and international student transfer.

Why she applied?

I was excited at the opportunity to dive into the research and scholarly work within transfer to provide guidance on a bigger scale. It also gives me the opportunity to work and learn with other professionals throughout the country. I may have also had some encouragement from Carol Harrison, the Registrar at the College of Southern Maryland. 

What she hopes this will be gained for two and four-year instititions? 

I hope this workgroup will encourage 2-year and 4-year institutions to strive to improve their transfer initiatives from a holistic perspective, analyzing all of the aspects of the institution that touch transfer.

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CAPACRAO Launches a Dual Enrollment SIG

Dual Enrollment Word Cloud made using

CAPACRAO Launches a Dual Enrollment SIG for Chesapeake and Potomac Area Colleagues

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Inside HigherEd Podcast: Eposide 36

Did you know that Inside Higher Ed launched a podcast?
Check out Episode 36The Fall Enrollment Picture and Peril for Post-Traditional Students
This episode discusses the national data on postsecondary enrollment, with a focus on the particularly damaging impact the pandemic and the recession have had on the most vulnerable students. 

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