1) What Is your role at your current institution?
1) What Is your role at your current institution?
Johnika Dreher, CAPACRAO Past President (2022-2023) was selected as State & Regional Relations Vice Chair. She will transition to Chair during the 2024 Annual AACRAO Conference in Columbus, Ohio.
AACRAO and the state and regional associations (ACRAOs), such as CAPACRAO, share the same basic goals of enhancing not only the profession but also the professional development of the individual members. One of the fundamental strengths of our profession is the vitality of strong, active state and regional associations. These associations provide members with many professional development activities and opportunities and generally are instrumental in forging the informal networks that exist throughout the country.
Name: Sheena Jackson
Institution and Role: Director of Admissions & Scholarships
Number of years at your institution: 15
CAPACRAO would like to acknowledge Dr. Reginald Garcon for being highlighted in last month's edition of The Successful Registrar (see below)! In addition to being an outstanding Registrar, Dr. Garcon has served as CAPACRAO's Vice President of Programming (2021-2022) and currently serves as our President-Elect. Congratulations and well deserved, Dr. Garcon!
On behalf of the CAPACRAO Executive Board, we say thank each and every one of our member institutions and corporate sponsors for your continual support. Before we wish you well and say cheers to the New Year, we wanted to share that rest and relaxation are important. As inspiration, check out this brief article with 25 ways to infuse rest and relaxation into your winter break to inspire you.
Here are some of the benefits of CAPACRAO membership:
Name: Keisha Campbell
Institution Name & Role: Executive Director for Enrollment Services & University Registrar at Morgan State University
Number of Years at your institution: 6
We can never say it enough. Thank you for your continual support and engagement within Chesapeake and Potomac Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (CAPACRAO). We hope you have a wonderful and safe holiday season and a prosperous New Year.
Best Wishes,
Your CAPACRAO Executive Team
Name: Samantha Howard
Institution and Role: Prince George's Community College, Coordinator, Recruitment & Community Relations
What is your favorite quote, motto, or mantra? "Nothing beats a failure but a try." -R.J. Smith
Your top three favorite books?
Name: Rebecca Fowler
Institution and role: Towson University, Assistant Director of Residency, Reenrollment, and Special Programs in the Registrar’s Office.
Number of years at your institution: 3 years
Name: Shannon Hardester
Institution Name & Role: Salisbury University-Assistant Registrar, Veterans & Special Populations
Number of Years at your institution: 4.5
October is Careers In Student Affairs Month. Click here to learn more.
Accenture’s Workday Higher Education Forum | Virtual | October 6, 2021 | 1:00 PM
Politics, Covid, Social Justice, and Minority-Serving Institutions | Virtual | October 6, 2021 | 2:00 PM
Improving Research Operations and Output | Virtual | October 7, 2021 | 2:00 PM
Breaking Down Silos and Improving Relationships | Virtual | October 7, 2021 | 2:00 PM
The New Doctoral Studies Network | Virtual | October 7, 2021 | 4:00 PM
Leadership in Higher Education Conference | Virtual | October 7 - October 9, 2021 | All Day
AACRAO Elections Open | Virtual | October 11, 2021 | All Day
AACRAO Caucus Meeting | Virtual | October 12, 2021 | 3:00 PM
Career Development for HBCU Student Affairs Professionals | Virtual | October 13, 2021 | 12:00 PM
Offshore Caribbean Medical Schools Report | Virtual | October 13, 2021 | 2:00 PM
Coming Out of COVID | Virtual | October 18, 2021 | 1:00 PM
Getting Involved in NASPA as an Emerging Professional | Virtual | October 18, 2021 | 3:00 PM
2021 ATD Data & Analytics Summit | Virtual | October 18 - 21, 2021 | All Day
Moving On(line): Strengthening Your Brand Through Novel Approaches | Virtual | October 19, 2021 | 2:00 PM
De-Mystifying AI for University Admissions Leaders | Virtual | October 20, 2021 | 2:00 PM
2021 Virtual Forum on Educational Policy | Virtual | October 20 - October 21, 2021 | All Day
NASPA: What I Wish I knew as a New Professional | Virtual | October 21, 2021 | 1:00 PM
Closing Equity Gaps in Enrollment – A Four-Pronged Approach | Virtual | October 22, 2021 | 2:00 PM
NACEP Dual and Concurrent Enrollment Annual Conference | Virtual | October 24 - 26, 2021 | All Day
2021 Assessment Institute | Virtual | October 24 - 27, 2021 | All Day
Complete College America: United for Change Symposium | Virtual | October 26-28, 2021 | Half Day
AABHE Research Webinar 2021 | Virtual | October 27, 2021 | 1:00 PM
Insights on Higher Education’s Next Normal: Building a Strategy for Sustained Growth | Virtual | October 27, 2021 | 2:00 PM
NASPA: The Current State of Student Affairs | Virtual | October 27, 2021 | 3:00 PM
EDUCAUSE Annual Conference | Virtual | October 26 - October 29, 2021 | All Day
Working in Unison: Fostering Collaboration between Faculty and Student Affairs Professionals | Virtual | October 28, 2021 | 2:00 PM
NASPA Improving Career and Engagement Outcomes of First-generation Graduates | Virtual | October 28, 2021 | 2:00 PM
AACRAO Collective Gathering | Virtual | October 28, 2021 | 3:00 PM
Picture retrieved from RGX
Congratulations! 2020 was definitely a worldwind experience and unexpected in so many ways. However, what a way to truly pivot an association that was planning an in-person meeting at Towson University for June 2020. We took some time on Wednesday, June 30, 2021 at 1:00 PM to share our reflection as an association with our members. Thank you to all of the attendees who registered and joined us to not just learn of the business side of CAPACRAO but reflect on the dynamic work that we've done over the past year.
What an amazing year for CAPACRAO and our members. Kudos to the dynamic team of volunteers - who serve on the executive board, committees, those who contribute as guest speakers, writers and various contributers. This year is dedicated to you. Because while we were balancing the work of our evolving roles during the pandemic, we still connected, contributed and cared about our personal and professional development. Most importantly, we did it together. From the Chat & Chews in March and April, to the Summer Leadership Series that replaced our Summer Meeting, to the monthly virtual Happy Hours, to our CAPACRAO Supports Local Initiative, around to the modification of our newsletter, increased engagement within our social media plaforms, our Member Spotlight Series, the launching of our Special Interest Group for Dual Enrollment, and continous webinars, we truly did not miss a beat. For our collective efforts, we were recognized by AACRAO at the 2021 Annual Conference.
President's Welcome
Hello Members, Sponsors and Colleagues:
On June 30, 2021, many of our distinguished Executive Board members’ term came to an end, and a new Executive Board transitioned in. I am honored to be your incoming President and I want to acknowledge the leadership provided by Sheena Luaehu-Lyons as President, Seth Kamen as Past-President, last year's board and standing committee members. Many thanks for the work that they have done to cultivate the Association. I also want to thank our Sponsors because our achievement would not have been possible without their continued support and dedication to excellence.
I am excited to welcome my colleagues, some new but many who are returning members, into their new roles. I am humble and grateful for this opportunity serve as your President but I have to be honest, we need our members in a mighty way this year. My favorite quote is actually an African Proverb and it is "many hands make for light work." As President, I would greatly appreciate you, our members, joining us this year in whatever capacity enhances your strengths, provides you value and allows you to share your talents. Some ideas, but in one way do we want to limit you, are:
We are meeting soon. Click here to register.
Connect with us. To register, click here.
CAPACRAO loves it's members and we are an association that thrives on member engagement and member involvement. While we do not know when we will physically connect again for a CAPACRAO event, we still have a wonderful medium to facilitate our knowledge sharing. Our member spotlights are new features within the last year that provide a venue to celebrate ourselves and the work we do within our personal and professional lives. We are seeking colleagues who are interested in being featured in our member or institutional spotlight.
Interested? Please complete our brief survey. We look forward to spotlighting you soon.
Name: Nanci Beier
Role: Registrar
Institution: Anne Arundel Community College
What do you do at Anne Arundel Community College?
Name: Cassandra Moore
Title: Director of Enrollment Development and Admissions
Institution: Anne Arundel Community College
What do you do at Anne Arundel Community College?