A call for proposals
CAPACRAO Conference Call for Session Proposals
CAPACRAO Conference Call for Session Proposals
1) What Is your role at your current institution?
Johnika Dreher, CAPACRAO Past President (2022-2023) was selected as State & Regional Relations Vice Chair. She will transition to Chair during the 2024 Annual AACRAO Conference in Columbus, Ohio.
AACRAO and the state and regional associations (ACRAOs), such as CAPACRAO, share the same basic goals of enhancing not only the profession but also the professional development of the individual members. One of the fundamental strengths of our profession is the vitality of strong, active state and regional associations. These associations provide members with many professional development activities and opportunities and generally are instrumental in forging the informal networks that exist throughout the country.
CAPACRAO would like to acknowledge Dr. Reginald Garcon for being highlighted in last month's edition of The Successful Registrar (see below)! In addition to being an outstanding Registrar, Dr. Garcon has served as CAPACRAO's Vice President of Programming (2021-2022) and currently serves as our President-Elect. Congratulations and well deserved, Dr. Garcon!
CAPACRAO invites you to SUBMIT YOUR NOMINATIONS for our annual awards: Emerging Leader and Steven A. Smith. These awards will be presented during CAPACRAO's Annual Business Meeting in June. The deadline has been extended. Nominations will be accepted through Friday, May 13, 2022.
CAPACRAO invites you to SUBMIT YOUR NOMINATIONS for our annual awards: Emerging Leader and Steven A. Smith. These awards will be presented during CAPACRAO's Annual Business Meeting in mid-June. Nominations will be accepted through Friday, May 14, 2021.