October Professional Development Calendar
October Professional Development Calendar
Joining the professional development offerings alongside Admit It and For the Record, AACRAO has launched its newest podcast - H.E.A.R.D. H.E.A.R.D. stands for Higher Education and Real Diversity. The conversations are led by three AACRAO members and colleagues within Enrollment Management as they discuss the intersection of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (D.E.I.), Higher Education, and the personal impact of these topics within the current landscape.
CAPACRAO Legislative Report
Name: Keisha Campbell
Institution Name & Role: Executive Director for Enrollment Services & University Registrar at Morgan State University
Number of Years at your institution: 6
CAPACRAO Legislative Report: October 2021
Professional Development Calendar
Radical Brainstorming Workshop | Virtual | April 2, 2021 | 12:00 PM
Did you know that Inside Higher Ed launched a podcast?
Check out Episode 36: The Fall Enrollment Picture and Peril for Post-Traditional Students.
This episode discusses the national data on postsecondary enrollment, with a focus on the particularly damaging impact the pandemic and the recession have had on the most vulnerable students.