Filtered by tag: Admissions Remove Filter

August Professional Development Calendar

August Professional Development Calendar

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Member Spotlight: Sheena Jackson

Name:  Sheena Jackson
Institution and Role: Director of Admissions & Scholarships
Number of years at your institution: 15

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Have you H.E.A.R.D.?

Have You H.E.A.R.D.?

Joining the professional development offerings alongside Admit It and For the Record, AACRAO has launched its newest podcast - H.E.A.R.D. H.E.A.R.D. stands for Higher Education and Real Diversity. The conversations are led by three AACRAO members and colleagues within Enrollment Management as they discuss the intersection of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (D.E.I.), Higher Education, and the personal impact of these topics within the current landscape.

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ELP Certification for Admissions Professionals

ELP Certification for Admissions Professionals

Admissions at American institutions are consistently evolving. To equip you or your Admissions colleagues with knowledge and a credential, a great way to utilize professional development funds would be to encourage and support their participation in NACAC's College Admission for Emerging Leaders certification program. 

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AACRAO 2022 Leadership Meeting Re-Cap

Photo: Jamie Kriger & Johnika Dreher 

AACRAO 2022 Leadership Meeting Re-Cap

"If you are tapped on the shoulder, answer the call." - Philip Hunt

The stars aligned and it was a beautiful weekend in the Nation's Capitol for AACRAO's 2022 Leadership Meeting. I had the opportunity to connect with about 100 AACRAO leaders across the globe. AACRAO's Leadership Meeting is an annual invite-only meeting with the AACRAO Board, AACRAO Planning and Activities Committee members, and AACRAO State and Regional Leaders. This three-day leadership meeting provides opportunities for members to receive updates about the parent association, engaging members and keeping our state and regional associations in tip-top shape!

Are you interested in attending AACRAO's Annual Leadership Meeting? Serving as a CAPACRAO Board Member gets you access! There is still time to join our Executive Board for the 2022-2023 year. Our Annual Board Retreat is in August. We have two vacancies we would love for you to join us - learn more here. Email [email protected] with your interest.

There were tons of learning, networking, laughs, and of course action items. CAPACRAO was well represented by Carol Harrison, Cassandra Moore, and myself. It was so good to see former CAPACRAO President Jamie Holmes-Kriger. My favorite activities were the Keynote Speaker, the State & Regional Leadership Day, and networking with AACRAO leaders. If you are looking for a dynamic presenter for your next meeting, training, or workshop - consider Deedra Daniel. She was phenomenal.

Here are some essential components that benefit our general membership:

1.  Roster Access. While no formal information is available to share right now, your calls for access to AACRAO benefits as a non-roster member have been heard. Expect more information about the change in the roster structure to be shared at the 2023 AACRAO Annual Conference.

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CAPACRAO's 2022 Annual Conference Schedule

RSVP now to reserve your seat at CAPACRAO's Free Virtual Conference on June 17th.
Full Schedule included below.

12 Benefits of Joining a Professional Association

Why join a professional association? We’ve complied a list of 12 benefits of becoming an active member of an association.

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CAPACRAO Legislative Report: March 2022

CAPACRAO Legislative Report

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February 2022 Dual Enrollment SIG Updates & Agenda

Dual Enrollment Word Cloud made using

Can you believe we are inching up to our 6th Dual Enrollment Special Interest Group Meeting? Wow! We've been connecting, sharing and more for a whole year now! Kudos to us. Our next meeting is Wednesday, February 2, 2022, at 2:30 PM and wanted to say Happy New Year and provide some updates.

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Team Building Activities

Team Building Activities

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Leadership Series: Part 2 on the Different Levels of Leadership

Leadership Series
Part 2 on the Different Levels of Leadership
By Otu Obot II

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Member Spotlight: Samantha Howard

Name: Samantha Howard
Institution and Role: Prince George's Community College, Coordinator, Recruitment & Community Relations

What is your favorite quote, motto, or mantra? "Nothing beats a failure but a try." -R.J. Smith

Your top three favorite books?

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Get Involved with AACRAO

Get Involved with AACRAO

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AACRAO Transfer Initiative

AACRAO Transfer Initiative

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Takeoff: A 5-Part Series on the Different Levels of Leadership

Takeoff: A 5-Part Series on the Different Levels of Leadership.

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November 2021 Dual Enrollment SIG Update & Meeting

Dual Enrollment Word Cloud made using

In preparation for our 5th Dual Enrollment Special Interest Group Meeting on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, at 2:30 PM, we wanted to say hello and provide some updates.

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CAPACRAO Legislative Report: October 2021

CAPACRAO Legislative Report: October 2021

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SEM Professional Development Webinar

Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM): Career Planning and Professional Development for Success

Are you ready for a career change or interested in learning more about strategic enrollment management? 
Join us for a facilitated conversation on Monday, October 4 at 3pm.

This professional development session is for both new and experienced professionals, and more!
You don't want to miss this. 

To register for the event, click here.

Managing Office Morale


The last 18 months have been a roller coaster for many of us: ups, downs, and lots of unexpected loops. At some point, many of us have thought, “I can’t wait for things to get back to “normal.” Well that time is upon us. Higher education institutions around the country are well into the fall semester and many schools have opted to return to primarily in-person classes this fall. This means an increasing number of faculty and staff are in the office, in both hybrid and full-week capacities. If you have seen my last two write-ups in this series, you know feelings regarding the return to the office run the gamete; and even those who were enthusiastic about being in the office again, have needed time to adjust. This means office morale may not be at its highest. To help you boost your team (or your own) mood I have compiled a list of tips and activities that are sure to lessen the stress and boost confidence and enthusiasm in the office while we’re getting back in the swing of things.

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Member Spotlight: Otu Obot II

Name: Otu A. Obot II
Role: Creating Opportunities for Academic Success and Transfer (COAST) Coordinator 
Institution Name: Prince George's Community College.
What are your three favorite Podcasts/Books?
What are your credentials/experience, for working in your position?
I have over 9 years of non-for-profit experience in various community organizations and ministries in Buffalo, N.Y.  I have been a short-term missionary and lived on the island of St. Vincent and the Grenadines for six months.  I have over 6 years of Higher Education experience.  I have worked for Canisius College which is the premier private institution in Western New York for their TRiO Program as an Academic Talent Search Counselor for 2.5 years.  Currently, I have worked at Prince George's Community College for the past 4 years as a COAST Coordinator.  I am placed in two of the 21 high schools in the county where I am the direct liaison between the high school and college regarding Dual Enrollment, Senior Recruitment, and College Outreach.
I have earned a Bachelor of Science in Education with a Minor in Business Administration with a concentration in advertising and sales from Baldwin-Wallace University (formerly called Baldwin-Wallace College) in Berea, Ohio.  I have earned my Master of Arts in Higher Education at Morgan State University in May of 2020. 
Although I love education and I know that credentials are needed to do the work, I firmly believe that you should have a passion, calling, or desire to be an educator.  You need to see people beyond where they are now and empower them to learn the skills, to get them to their goals in life.  I believe that you must have the attitude and disposition to serve and lead by example.  Lastly, I am in the business of setting people up for success with knowledge and wisdom that I share with them daily.  I must always remember that without the students there is no institution, therefore, customer service, cultural, gender, and race sensitivity, awareness, and the systematic foundation of intersectionality, are vital to have an impact on the students that I serve daily.  
I aspire to move onto Senior leadership as my goal is to be a VPSA, however, I plan to take all my daily lessons I have learned along the journey, so I can always be a servant first and a leader second.  
What are the values that drive you?
  • Empowerment
  • Faith
  • Knowledge
  • Loyalty
  • Servant Leadership
  • Transparency
  • Wisdom
If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?
Motivational/Inspirational Speaker.
If you could interview one person (dead or alive) who would it be?
Frederick Douglass
Survey Feedback Requested
Nanci, Otu, and Danielle created a brief four-question survey to understand CAPACRAO member needs.
Please take 5 minutes or less to complete the survey with your professional development thoughts. The survey will close on Thursday, April 22, 2021.
Say hello to Otu. Feel free to comment below.