CAPACRAO Launches a Dual Enrollment SIG

Dual Enrollment Word Cloud made using

CAPACRAO Launches a Dual Enrollment SIG for Chesapeake and Potomac Area Colleagues

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February is American Heart Month

COVID aside, during the winter months, we tend to engage in less physical activities that can get our hearts engaged. February is American Heart Month. CAPACRAO challenges you this month to encourage you, your family, your coworkers, and anyone else you are in constant communication with to boost your awareness about heart health.

Heart Healthy Ideas

  • Wear Red! Friday, February 5 doesn't have to be the only day we wear red! Suggest it for your next staff meeting.
  • Exercise! Support a local gym by attending their live virtual classes. Or find a video via YouTube.
  • Make Valentine's Day Heart Healthy! Plan a date to go on a hike or cook a heart-healthy meal with your loved one on Valentine’s Day.
  • Walk! Commit to a walking schedule with a friend or family member, even if you can’t walk together. We are virtual nowadays anyway.
    • Walking outside? There is an app called Charity Miles that donate resources based on your walking. Learn more here.
    • Walking inside? Search "walking exercises" via Youtube for tons of inspiration.
  • Create a Department Team Builder! Challenge your office, department, or unit to participate in a “steps” contest. Use activity trackers (hint, Charity Miles is free - learn more here) to see which team takes the most steps.
  • Flip Your Team Staff Meeting! Ask health care providers or members of your Student Wellness Center to give a presentation to your office, department, or unit about ways to prevent heart disease.
  • Get Social! Join the #OurHearts movement by sharing on social media how you’re working with friends or family to be heart healthy. Encourage your friends and family to as well. Be sure to use the hashtag!
Thanks for reading. Explore more ways to help encourage heart-healthy behaviors for yourselves or others. 
Do you have insights for other heart-healthy ideas this month? Don't be shy! Feel free to comment below and share. 

Spring 2021 Greetings from CAPACRAO President

My name is Sheena Luaehu-Lyons and I am the President of CAPACRAO. Last year brought a whirlwind of changes for all our institutions. As we adapted to the ever-changing environment, our organization made a quick pivot to discover new ways to connect with its members and corporate partners in a virtual setting. I was happy to connect with many of you through our virtual programming in 2020 which included webinars, happy hours, and a summer lunch-and-learn series.

I am proud to announce that CAPACRAO was awarded the Elbert W. Ockerman State and Regional Professional Activity Award by AACRAO. This accolade was accomplished through the collaboration of our Executive Board and Standing Committee members, our Corporate Partners, and each of the members from our Member Institutions. Thank you for sharing this success with us!

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Inside HigherEd Podcast: Eposide 36

Did you know that Inside Higher Ed launched a podcast?
Check out Episode 36The Fall Enrollment Picture and Peril for Post-Traditional Students
This episode discusses the national data on postsecondary enrollment, with a focus on the particularly damaging impact the pandemic and the recession have had on the most vulnerable students. 

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February 2021 Professional Development Events

Professional Development Calendar

AtD Webinar: Applying a Holistic Systems Approach to Designing Student Supports | Virtual | February 1, 2021 | 1 PM

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March 2021 Legislative Update

CAPACRAO March 2021 Legislative Update

Policymakers have been busy in recent weeks. Miguel Cardona was confirmed as the secretary of the US Department of Education, a new COVID relief bill was passed in the House of Representatives, and more. This AACRAO transcript provides a good roundup of what is happening at the federal level. 

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2020 Dual Enrollment and Early College Legislative Review

What were the trends in state legislation in 2020 when it comes to Dual Enrollment and Early College?

Last year, 21 new laws impacting college in high school programs passed in 14 states. Learn more about those new laws and other trends in state legislation in CHSA's new 2020 Year in Review:

Are you noticing any trends? What do you believe is on the horizon for Maryland?
What bills should colleagues be aware of?

Keep colleagues informed. Feel free to comment below.

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COVID Compliant Volunteer Opportunities

Picture obtained from

Work in the COVID environment has been a little stressful for individuals. Whether you are working from home or commuting to the office, there is a demand to still be "on" all the time. How does one take time out for themselves? Often giving back and channeling away from the day-to-day work of home and the office helps. Consider volunteering a little bit of your time with the following activities. And the best thing, they are social distance compliant! 

For those who like outdoor activity
Charity Miles: Earn money for the charity of your choice by walking. Charity Miles lets you turn a neighborhood jog or weekend hike into a fundraiser for good. Just choose a charity and get moving. The app tracks your movement. For every mile you log, you help to earn money for your chosen charity. Choose from over 40 charities that are making a big impact on health, children, animals, the environment, education, veterans and more. 
Click here to get fit and make an impact:

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We Are...AACRAO 2021 Award Winners

AACRAO celebrates 2021 award winners

Thomas A. Bilger Award - Seth Kamen - University of Baltimore

Named for a Past President of AACRAO, this award is presented to a member in recognition of consistent vision, service, and leadership in AACRAO with seven or more years of volunteer service.

Elbert W. Ockerman State and Regional Professional Activity Award - CAPACRAO

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New Episode: For The Record

The newest episode of For The Record is here
View previous episodes and check out future topics for Season 3.

AACRAO Transcript 1/21/2021

AACRAO Transcript - Week of 1/21/2021
Click here to review.

January 2021 Legislative Update

Picture Credit: Kalamazoo Public Library 

2020 was a tumultuous year for higher education. But what is the outlook for 2021? How will Dr. Miguel Cardona, Biden's pick for Education Secretary and an educator with a background in K-12 education, interact with the realm of higher education? What factors will affect the industry most? The below articles shed some light on these questions.

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Coronavirus Live Updates Powered By Inside Higher Education

Image reposted from Bloomberg Business Week.

Live Updates: Latest News on Coronavirus and Higher Education

View this link for real-time updates on higher education statuses and updates. Powered by Inside Higher Education. 

Want to dialogue or chat about what you are reading? Feel free to launch a comment via the blog. We would love to hear from you and know what our CAPACRAO institutions are doing and how they are managing during this time. 

AACRAO Coffee Break Ideas - Spring 2021


AACRAO is seeking your suggestions for spring 2021 coffee break ideas.
What are your campus concerns? What do you need professionally? 

Feel free to make a comment via our blog and we will forward them. 

Connect with Dual Enrollment Colleagues in CAPACRAO

Dual Enrollment has been steadily gaining traction over the last few years. For institutions in Maryland, the spark increased with the passing of the 2013 legislation SB-740. We find that Dual Enrollment is managed differently in both Maryland and the District of Columbia. Several colleagues have expressed desires to connect more easily and frequently. CAPACRAO has answered the call by creating a listserve to share resources and dialogue quarterly about Dual Enrollment's evolution.  

Join our Dual Enrollment Listserve

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AACRAO Transcript 1/7/2021

AACRAO Transcript - Week of 1/7/2021
Click here to review.

Spring 2021 Plans

imageHappy New Year! I came across this January 5th article in The Chronicle, As the Pandemic Worsens, College Prepare to Test Their Spring Plans and I'm wondering, how are CAPACRAO institutions operating? 

We would love to dialogue with you. Feel free to leave your responses via our blog.

January 2021 Professional Development Events

Professional Development Calendar

AACRAO Monthly Caucus Meeting | Virtual | January 12, 2021 | 3 PM 

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COVID Safe Activities This Winter

Monday, December 21, 2020, begins the Winter season. While COVID is still present, consider ways for you to engage in safe activities that provide health and wellness. View this article from the University of Maryland Medical System with suggestions for COVID safe activities. Stay safe! Stay healthy.

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AACRAO Transcript 12/17/2020

AACRAO Transcript - Week of 12/17/2020
Click here to review.