Rock Your AACRAO Vote
Calling all eligible AACRAO Roster members, please take a look at the 2022-2023 AACRAO Slate and cast your vote. We have two CAPACRAO members running for positions - Cassandra Moore and Dr. Kimberly McNair.
Calling all eligible AACRAO Roster members, please take a look at the 2022-2023 AACRAO Slate and cast your vote. We have two CAPACRAO members running for positions - Cassandra Moore and Dr. Kimberly McNair.
"If the structure of our government is to survive for your children and grandchildren. We must see to it. The way to do it is by voting. Voting. And voting." - Kim Wehle
Name: Phaedra Brown
Institution and Role: University of Maryland School of Nursing, Assistant Director, Scholarships and Military Services
Number of years at your institution: 2
In a Washington Post op-ed, the title read Higher Education Is About to Get Even More Political. The headline begs those at the front of the proverbial Ivory Tower to invest in regularly staying abreast of and understanding the legislative landscape. Being conscious of the legislative landscape directly impacts the Strategic Enrollment Management roles of higher education from the Office Associate to the Vice President. Lens, perspective, and positionality awareness matter because our students, many of us, have been and are students, and the impact on higher education as an industry will ripple for years.
October is National Careers in Student Affairs Month. Check out additional events hosted by NASPA and ACPA.
Check back often. New events are added frequently.
View the calendar here for direct links to register and see additional opportunities!
Are we missing an event? Sharing is caring. Email [email protected].
(Photo reposted from Higher Ed Jobs Blog)
We are in the midst of a work values evolution in 2022. We were always going to get here. But the events of 2020 have propelled many contentions around the future of work forward faster. There are now four to five generations in the workplace, depending on the industry. This work-life tilt has created a clash between the industrial revolution's legacy and employees' desire for more flexibility.
Photo: Jamie Kriger & Johnika Dreher
The stars aligned and it was a beautiful weekend in the Nation's Capitol for AACRAO's 2022 Leadership Meeting. I had the opportunity to connect with about 100 AACRAO leaders across the globe. AACRAO's Leadership Meeting is an annual invite-only meeting with the AACRAO Board, AACRAO Planning and Activities Committee members, and AACRAO State and Regional Leaders. This three-day leadership meeting provides opportunities for members to receive updates about the parent association, engaging members and keeping our state and regional associations in tip-top shape!
Are you interested in attending AACRAO's Annual Leadership Meeting? Serving as a CAPACRAO Board Member gets you access! There is still time to join our Executive Board for the 2022-2023 year. Our Annual Board Retreat is in August. We have two vacancies we would love for you to join us - learn more here. Email [email protected] with your interest.
There were tons of learning, networking, laughs, and of course action items. CAPACRAO was well represented by Carol Harrison, Cassandra Moore, and myself. It was so good to see former CAPACRAO President Jamie Holmes-Kriger. My favorite activities were the Keynote Speaker, the State & Regional Leadership Day, and networking with AACRAO leaders. If you are looking for a dynamic presenter for your next meeting, training, or workshop - consider Deedra Daniel. She was phenomenal.
Here are some essential components that benefit our general membership:
1. Roster Access. While no formal information is available to share right now, your calls for access to AACRAO benefits as a non-roster member have been heard. Expect more information about the change in the roster structure to be shared at the 2023 AACRAO Annual Conference.
RSVP now to reserve your seat at CAPACRAO's Free Virtual Conference on June 17th.
Full Schedule included below.
What a beautiful time to be "Back Together Again."
We appreciate our membership and your patience as we worked to finalize the details for our 2022 Annual Meeting. As a State and Regional Association of AACRAO, the choice to return in-person was not made lightly. We have consulted with fellow AACRAO State and Regional Executive Boards to ensure we were able to accommodate our membership while also balancing everyone's safety. To that point, the Executive Board is excited to re-connect in-person at Prince George's Community College in Largo, MD on Friday, June 17, 2022.
It's hard to believe that as an Executive Board, we have not met either since June 2019. We've been holding up CAPACRAO virtually, recruiting and onboarding board members, facilitating team building, workshops, chat and chews, and happy hours, recruiting standing committee volunteers, and executing our strategic goals for the year, well past 2.5 years -- virtually. And this work with CAPACRAO is in addition to our institutional roles. Yet, we can all agree that it has been tremendously rewarding. We celebrate our members for hanging in there with us. We celebrate our efforts and we can not wait to share our accomplishments during the Business Meeting. But, we are very excited to get offline and meet, hug and engage in-person with you.
As the institutional fiscal year comes to a close, what a great way to utilize those professional development funds and meet up with your fellow CAPACRAO colleagues across Maryland and the District of Columbia as we get back together again. We hope you will join us.
Registration is open.
AACRAO is accepting applications for in-person and online faculty. All are welcome to apply, with primary qualifications being knowledge of the profession and availability.
Selected faculty applicants receive a small honorarium per course selection taught.
Higher education as an industry has perservered through many critical shifts and transformations. Since the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of alternative work schedules, maximizing employee wants (and needs) can be paramount to leverage and understand how to retain employees.
2022 Executive Board
Nominate yourself or colleagues.
Here are some of the benefits of CAPACRAO membership:
Check back often. New events are added frequently.
View the calendar here for direct links to register and see additional opportunities!
Why join a professional association? We’ve complied a list of 12 benefits of becoming an active member of an association.
CAPACRAO Legislative Report
Name: Keisha Campbell
Institution Name & Role: Executive Director for Enrollment Services & University Registrar at Morgan State University
Number of Years at your institution: 6
Check back often. New events are added frequently.
View the calendar here for direct links to register and see additional opportunities!