Name: Carol Harrison
Title: Interim Dean of Enrollment Services/Registrar
Institution: College of Southern Maryland
What are your credentials/experience, for working in your position? I have spent the last 32 years working in higher education. My experience includes Financial Aid, Admissions, and Registrar functions. I believe the key credentials needed to work in this role are strong technical skills, critical thinking to solve problems and implementing these types of solutions that bridge Records, Admissions and Academic Affairs.
What is something [people in your industry/niche] have to deal with that you want to fix?
I don't know about students at other institutions but my experience has been that at a community college, many students wait till a month before classes to register. This makes August and January, the weeks right before classes begin, absolutely nuts! I want to try to get students to register earlier.
If you could be anyone from any time/period who would it be and why?
Abigail Adams - she had a front row seat to the American Revolution
If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?
NFL Football Player for the Baltimore Ravens
What's something interesting you've done or accomplished during the pandemic?
Throughout this pandemic, my husband has been recovering from a wound and has been on 100% bedrest. Being able to work from home during this time to assist him has been a blessing!
If you could interview one person (dead or alive) who would it be?
Winston Churchill. My favorite Churchill quote is "Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.”
What do you love about CAPACRAO?
I will always be proud being apart of helping to start CAPACRAO. I am also proud that while I was president, CAPACRAO applied for and was approved for tax exempt status. My colleagues and I also launched the following recognitions: Steve E. Smith Award and Emerging Leader Award. Finally, I have made life long friends because of CAPACRAO.
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